Samstag, 21. September 2013

Amakhala - Woodbury Lodge, Day 1

Hi everyone!
Yesterday afternoon I got to go on my first game drive and apart from the freezing wind it was awesome!
Our guide, Kyle, is a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide, who stops at every corner to show us what the bush has to offer, no matter how big or small.
There are many birds here, and many different types of antelopes are roaming around too: impalas, gemboks, waterbucks … We also saw herds of zebras, black wildebeests, red hartebeests ...

On our first ride we saw four rhinos. A very impressive sight. They were grazing peacefully and did not mind our presence at all.

Here's a giraffe!

Zebras and black wildebeests grazing next to each other

Antelopes hiding at the back


Cute impalas

Various antelopes with zebras

Mr. Zebra himself
Not knowing what we can get to see, any sighted animal is a great privilege.
This morning we saw one elephant bull and many antelopes grazing together with zebras as well as a male ostrich running after a female. He was not very successful in the end!

The standards in comfort and food at the Woodbury Lodge are very high and we really feel pampered.

My bedroom

My bathtub!

This afternoon we are gonna try to spot some wild cats. Yipee!

2 Kommentare:

  1. hey carole, das sind wundervolle aufnahmen... ich freue mich schon so auf deine zahlreichen bilder, videos und erzählungen!!! liebe grüsse, christine

    1. Hi Christine! Ich hoffe, die Erzählung über Amakhala wird Dir gut gefallen. LG, C.
